People really need is a heart to understand them

People really need is a heart to understand them

People need a big hug.

Most people don’t have a good ears to listen or the time to hear it with. People are selfish and only have time for you when they themselves need someone to listen to them. ~ Tina Frazee 

Sometimes all you need is that hug. It doesn’t solve the problem but it let’s you know you’re not alone. 

After a major surgery and unable to leave the house for three long months. All I really wanted was human interaction. A half hour of someone’s time that said they care enough to take time out of their busy schedule to say hello. I was not well enough for a long visit, but I am thankful for all who did stop in and sad that what I thought were some of my best friends never come by. I will be there for others when I have a chance. ~ Bianca Streif

Sometimes a helping hand, a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on and an understanding heart coupled with a warm hug go a long way and a whole lot further than mere friendly advice. Human contact speaks so much louder than words. ~ Margaret Young 

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