Be Thankful for all the difficult people in your life

Be Thankful for all the difficult people in your life

You learn great lessons in life from difficult people.

If you’ve tried to be good all your life, don’t change for the sake of another. It’s not worth it. Besides, you’ll continue doing good in the long run. If you’ve been bad, try to change and do good. Soon you’ll realize what you’ve been missing. You’ll realize that doing the right thing as often as you can makes you feel better inside, even if you lose another. This awesome feeling inside promotes good health within you and can be contagious. Soon others will see that you have a good heart and in the long run, it’s you that others will follow. You are the one who ends up with true friends. Good and honest friends! ~ Ferdinand Comayas

Dealing with a difficult and argumentative person who likes to play mental gymnastics and is never wrong about anything, cannot apologize or show remorse is the worst type of person to contend with on an ongoing basis. If you can get away from them, do it. Your life will be better for it. ~ Barbara Butler

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