Be careful who you open up to

Be careful who you open up to

Be careful about who you open up to and what you open up about. Best to keep it in prayer with what to open up about and to who.

Those who laugh and gossip others are scandals themselves behind the curtains. They use laughing and gossiping as a cover up. Just give yourself time u will hear the mess which they produce. ~ Enanga Schall 

Ninety nine percent of people will laugh and gossip about what they hear about you. These people have problems with themselves. You just give them a let them say attitude. Keep on and leave them gossip and laugh. Not long they will loose their tongues and teeth. ~ Enanga Schall 

If you do not want some information to get out, keep your mouth shut. It is just a fact. ~ Shirley Keaton 

I feel privileged when they gossip about. Takes away from them gossiping about someone else. Always said that and that’s the truth. Besides talk is cheap when gossiping, but facts are reality and there is a difference between the two. ~ Darleen Jankowski 

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