Trying to understand why something happened the way it did

Trying to understand why something happened the way it did

Inner peace is achieved through acceptance of what happened and that which you can’t change and have no control over. One should not be consumed with such torturous memories.

Letting go is the key to your peace of mind and a joyful life.

Stop thinking, things happened for a reason. Good or bad embrace it because no matter what you can not run away from it. It happened already but one thing is sure it will make you stronger and wiser. Don’t even try to correct or redo it. Use it as a lesson learning not to let it happen again. Think of it for the last Smile and let it go. ~ Buenafe Victorino 

I did drive myself crazy wondering why something happened to me and it wasn’t worth it at all. Even up to now, I may not fully understand it, but it was just a wake-up call for me to let go of it and move on. I definitely have more closure now and I believe that you have to allow yourself to let go of what hurts you so you don’t become a prisoner of it. Learn to make peace with it because it is worth investing your time and energy to heal your heart and ease your mind. ~ Nikka Rose 

The worry of trying to understand why bad things happen is exhausting, as hard as it is to see, life is teaching us a lesson, to grow, to become stronger, to prepare us for what lies ahead. ~ Pakize Taşkıran 

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