When trust is broken

When trust is broken

I find that sorry has an arbitrary meaning anymore. People say it so often in life that when you mean it, it’s hard to differentiate when it’s real. If you bump into someone, you arbitrarily say, I’m sorry or drop a coin as your handing back change, “I’m sorry” but when it counts you say it and how is one to differentiate what’s true and what’s arbitrary? No one means to do what they do and if they do, why should u be “sorry” especially if there’s intent. So don’t be “sorry”. Live with intent, check to see that they’re ok when you bump into them, pick up the coin and say “there you go”! Stop being overly polite. ~ Michael Bonacci

Freeing yourself from enslavement is often very hard.

Forgiveness is a choice to not seek justice but leaving any justice up to God. It has nothing to do about feelings. Those will fade with time when you make the choice to let it go. The relationship is a different issue. If the person is not truly remorseful or clearly won’t change then walk away. Forgiveness is a gift to yourself to release the poison of anger that consumes. ~ Valerie Kingsbury

Some relationships aren’t meant to be repaired, as they were only lessons to be learned from.

Trust means everything, when that’s gone, it’s hard to rebuild no matter how hard you try. It’s impossible to get back!

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